Creditcoin 2.0 Mining Setup

This page provides detail for what is required to setup a mining node on the Creditcoin network.

This page provides detail for what is required to setup a mining node on the Creditcoin network.

Creditcoin Mining Node Setup


Setup Steps

  1. In order to receive mining rewards you will need an account on the Creditcoin network. Each account has an address and a balance associated with it. The account is backed by a keypair. You can use an existing ECDSA keypair (e.g. from pre-Creditcoin 2.0) or you can generate a new keypair. You can use subkey to retrieve the account address from an existing private key (e.g. from pre-Creditcoin 2.0) or to generate a new keypair.

    • Using an existing ECDSA keypair:

      • Your private key should be formatted as hex and start with 0x, for example 0x3351b11eca7b5c78c0f55c681d9a2e8a0630bcc7a95a35a4a87615c916771774

        • Note: if your existing private key starts with 00, remove the leading 00 first.

      • Run docker run -it inspect --scheme Ecdsa <private key> which will display the account information fot the keypair. For example:

        Secret Key URI `0x3351b11eca7b5c78c0f55c681d9a2e8a0630bcc7a95a35a4a87615c916771774` is account:
        Secret seed:       0x3351b11eca7b5c78c0f55c681d9a2e8a0630bcc7a95a35a4a87615c916771774
        Public key (hex):  0x02abf7befd96f80ce3a27772e7903f45a930c54ede2f0b9e052bfb21e90e0a4b40
        Account ID:        0xe37a568057962e95990cbba46c68f8d5b0d0d614abc8bc9f4e46af3e7aa8880c
        Public key (SS58): KW6p8XTkd6pLhTnwfSfr3hUcVSKTQhJHZxTVD8RrpfUhUTrvn
        SS58 Address:      5HCy4x9b5mW28EYheGn14bWidQkhab5VMiNakia7i4VfxTKs 
      • Copy the SS58 Address for later use

    • Generate a new keypair

      • Run docker run -it generate. This will generate a new keypair and print the account information, for example:

        Secret phrase:       toss frown run relief book lift aunt guard reduce shell genuine alarm
        Network ID:        substrate
        Secret seed:       0x5ad92bddf82eae47f5c9cc77a749fd175d9d80aadeab6555e3126a087f5eb5f1
        Public key (hex):  0x03084078b5d3633f53ceb103199332aaf86e7ebc1b2975e697dd5dc8653692b7b9
        Account ID:        0x7bbf1daa8ccb9aedccade233879f299a5485fbd0922d9458b19a5dbfde71da3c
        Public key (SS58): KW8u8Y1GgAGWtTfU5o92imPsYVkowfbsKE7hosQHwJ2E7gF9h
        SS58 Address:      5ErxX8PgVYVE3WbCkSs9mvioFHVrsc4uXFwkF3G9Pyv4FC2w
      • Store your secret phrase (a 12-word mnemonic) in a secure location. We won’t use this phrase directly, but you’ll need it to access the account or recover your private key.

      • Copy the SS58 Address for later use

  2. Start mining node

    • Make make sure that your port 30333 is accessible by external connections

    • Obtain your public IP address

    • Run (remove comment lines first)

      docker run -p 30333:30333 -v <your local data path>:/data gluwa/creditcoin:2.0.0-beta-5 \
          # running a mining node
          --validator \
          # (optional) REPLACE <nodename> with a name for your node, to make it easier to identify
          --name <nodename> \
          # allow prometheus metrics to be scraped
          --prometheus-external \
          # (optional) opt in to telemetry
          --telemetry-url "wss:// 0" "wss:// 0" \
          # node to connect to on boot, in order to join the network
          --bootnodes "/dns4/" "/dns4/" "/dns4/" \
          # REPLACE <yourhostname or ip> with the public IP address or host name that your node can be reached at
          --public-addr "/dns4/<yourhostname or ip>/tcp/30333" \
          # we want to connect to the mainnet
          --chain mainnet \
          # REPLACE <SS58Address> with your mining public key/address to receive rewards at
          --mining-key <SS58Address> \
          # the base path to store the node's data
          --base-path /data \
          # the port to use for node-to-node communication
          --port 30333

Last updated